Prof.dr. Elvira Haezendonck (Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Solvay Business School) is Full Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), and Visiting Professor at the University of Antwerp (UA), as well as guest lecturer at Erasmus University of Rotterdam (Maritime Economics and Logistics) and at C-MAT (University of Antwerp, UA). Her research covers topics in the field of sustainable strategies and management, applied to infrastructure, ports and complex projects.
She has published various articles, books and book chapters in related CSR and environmental strategy, project evaluation, competitive analysis and stakeholder management., and since 1996, she has been involved in over 50 national and EU research projects on for example strategy analyses and impact assessments in ports and infrastructure and on complex project management.
She takes up various board positions within and beyond academia. Since 2010 she (co-)promotes a Research Chair on Public-Private Partnerships at VUB, currently sponsored by Deloitte, Sweco, KBC, Laga and Triodos. She teaches courses on Management, (Competitive) Strategy, Project Management and Port Strategy, on both bachelor and master level.